Vedeți tot - Brichete Lemn Oferte

A1 Bosse brichete lemn in saci de 15 kg 250-4000 tonă / luna din Egipt

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Categorie Peleţi - Brichete - Cărbune
Tip Brichete lemn
Locația stocului Al sharqia
Originea Egipt
Regiunea middle east


Volum 250 - 4000 Tonă pe lună Converteşte
Tipul speciei Foioase din Africa
Specii Bosse (light - scented)
Calitatea A1
Ambalajul saci de 15 kg
Tip de formă rotundă
Wood pellets are a type of biomass fuel that is produced by compressing wood or wood residues into small cylindrical pellets. Here's a detailed description of wood pellets:

Raw Materials: Wood pellets are typically made from sawdust, wood chips, wood shavings, and other wood residues that are a byproduct of wood processing industries, forestry operations, or from sustainably managed forests. These materials are dried to reduce moisture content before being compressed.

Production Process: The production of wood pellets involves grinding the raw materials into a fine powder, which is then fed into a pellet mill. Inside the pellet mill, the powder is compressed through small holes (die) under high pressure. The heat generated from the compression process helps to bind the wood particles together, forming dense pellets. The pellets are then cooled and screened to remove fines and ensure uniform size.

Physical Characteristics: Wood pellets are typically cylindrical in shape, with a diameter of 6-8 millimeters and a length of 10-30 millimeters. They are dense and compact, which makes them easy to handle, transport, and store.

Energy Content: Wood pellets have a high energy density compared to raw wood or wood chips. They have a low moisture content (usually less than 10%) and a high calorific value, making them an efficient fuel source.

Environmental Benefits: Wood pellets are considered a renewable energy source because they are derived from biomass (organic materials) that can be replenished through sustainable forestry practices. When burned, they release carbon dioxide (CO2), but the carbon emitted is part of the natural carbon cycle, unlike fossil fuels which release stored carbon that would otherwise remain sequestered underground.

Cleanliness: Wood pellets produce relatively low emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels like coal or oil. They emit minimal particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) when burned cleanly in modern, well-maintained appliances.

Applications: Wood pellets are primarily used for heating purposes in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. They are used in pellet stoves, pellet boilers, and biomass power plants to generate heat and electricity. They are also used in some industrial processes and as a feedstock for certain chemical processes.

Storage and Handling: Wood pellets are typically stored in dry conditions to prevent moisture absorption, which can degrade their quality. They are often delivered in bags or in bulk and stored in special pellet storage bins or silos.

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