Vedeți tot - Casă Cu Schelet Din Lemn Oferte

Casă Cu Schelet Din Lemn Foioase Europene 35 m2 (sqm)

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Tip Casă cu schelet din lemn
Originea speciilor Polonia
Tipuri de lemn masiv Foioase europene
Specii C24


Volum 1 m2 (sqm) pe lună Converteşte
Suprafaţa construită 35 m2 (sqm)
To begin with, a brief description of our technology. Houses built with the prefabricated timber wall and element system are one of the most promising technologies for the construction of single-family houses.

To date, it is one of the most sought-after and widespread technologies of this type of house construction in the world. The production of prefabricated walls and elements for timber frame houses under factory technology conditions is organised in such a way that the components of the house (external walls, partition walls, ceilings, roof panels, trusses and other elements) are created under factory conditions, based on the previously prepared architectural and construction documentation of the building. Then, already as finished elements, they are delivered to the building site for rapid assembly. This system is controlled at every stage of production and prevents construction or technical errors from occurring, which could then have a negative impact on the construction and thermal permeability of the future building.

We offer a one-storey, year-round house with a mezzanine, which can later be adapted to the investor's various needs. The mezzanine is perfect to be developed as a separate sleeping area of the cottage, while the entire ground floor can be used as a common living area. Thanks to the adaptation of the mezzanine, the usable area increases by a factor of two. The house does not exceed 35 m2 and does not require a building permit.

The house can be built on foundations, concrete pillars or in mobile form on a trailer.

Price of the foundation to be determined individually

What is included in the offer?

Everything required to obtain 'developer' status.

Wall construction (specification below): YES
Assembly: YES
Roof insulation: YES
Mezzanine: YES
Roof covering: YES
Electrical installation: YES
Plumbing: YES
Elevation: YES Eaves board
Interior wall finish: YES Interior cladding

Description of exterior wall construction

C24 timber frame 145x45
Steico Flex 150 mm wood wool
OSB 18 mm
Frame 38x63 (in which the electrical and plumbing installations are mounted)
Wooden board (painted)

Our advantage is the unique construction of external walls (in the case of year-round houses), which have a very low external permeability of 0.15 wm2k. Our walls function like an absorption refrigerator, storing moisture in winter and returning it inside in summer, thus providing fresh air to the occupants.
By using our walls, any form of heating becomes very economical.
Minimum order 35 houses, price negotiable.
We offer a 35-year guarantee for our constructions.

Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul Cereți oferta de preț
Incoterm FCA - franco transportator Țara Polonia
Oferta vizibilă în: Toată lumea



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