Vedeți tot - Panou Din Lemn Masiv - 1 Strat Cereri

Cumpărăm Panou Din Lemn Masiv - 1 Strat Stejar 25 mm

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Paneluri din lemn masiv Panou din lemn masiv - 1 strat
Tipuri de lemn masiv Foioase europene
Specii Stejar


Cantitatea 0,896 m3 Spot - o dată Converteşte
Îmbinare Sipca continua
Grosime 25 mm  Converteşte
Lățime 154-600 mm Converteşte
Lungime 3000 mm Converteşte
Calitatea AB
Clei D4
We are looking for manufacturers of Oak Solid Wood Panels, 25 mm Thick, KD 6-10% in AB quality.
Sizes : 25х 154/265/600 x 3000 mm

A side - no knots, no sapwood, no end or surface cracks, no filler, or other defects.
Allowed up to 3 pin knots on 1 m2, but not closer than 300 mm one from another and not in groups.
Sound pin knots, the same color as wood, with the size up to 5 mm, dark knots or black knots with the size up to 2 mm.
The selection of lamelas should be made in such a way that there are no very dark and very light lamellas placed besides, and such lamellas should be placed on the edge of the panel.
Radial and tangential lamellas should be mixed with each other so that the overall pattern is as homogeneous as possible on the panel and in comparison with other panels.
B side - live knots up to 20mm, black knots up to 5mm, sapwood is allowed up to 30% of the surface, but not more than 1/2 of the width of the lamella, cracks, filler and other defects are not allowed.
Lamellas widths 40-50mm. All lamellas same width per panel.
Sanding grade 120 from both sides


Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul Cereți oferta de preț
Incoterm FCA - franco transportator
Data limită livrare Disponibil la comandă în mai puţin de 30 de zile
Cererea vizibilă în: Toată lumea


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