Vedeți tot - Elemente Lipite Oferte

Elemente Lipite Stejar

  • Oferta
  • Data
  • Valabil pana:


Tip Elemente lipite
Materialul principal Lemn masiv
Tipuri de lemn masiv Foioase europene
Specii Stejar
Scurta descriere - utilizare finala Individual shingles for application to surface


Volum 2 - 50 m2 (sqm) Spot - o dată Converteşte
Dimensiuni 25/35cm x 11/13/15/17/20 cm x Shingle Thickness
Splitwood European Oak (bot. Quercus Robur) in various dimensions:
In 25cm or 35cm shingle length, smoked or natural from various thicknesses before splitting.
If a somewhat plainer finish is desired, we advise manufacturing from thinner thicknesses such as 26mm before splitting. If a very distinctive, lively surface is desired, we recommend using the version in 35cm length from 52mm before splitting. Here the feel and 3D effect are the most beautiful, but as with everything in life, this is a matter of personal taste.

We will be happy to quote you prices on a square meter basis after clarifying the favoured raw product and the sqm-based area to be covered.

Please consider the following points:
* The package usually includes the following fixed widths: 11, 13, 15, 17, 20 cm. These can be put together in rows.
* Production/delivery time: depending on order quantity, receipt of payment and the workload of our forwarding agents.
* Freight costs have to be calculated on a daily basis in case of a desired shipment due to the prepayment business
* We ship small quantities in a carton, medium quantities in a carton on a pallet and larger quantities over 15 m² in a purpose-built crate
* We deliver only the raw product ready for application. Surface treatment, cuts, application aids and ready glued/screwed elements are not available from us.
* Prices are net ex works Lohr am Main against prepayment.

Just tell us your desired volumes and we’ll create an offer with a schedule.

Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul Cereți oferta de preț
Incoterm EXW - franco uzina Țara Germania Regiunea Lohr am Main
Oferta vizibilă în: Toată lumea



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