Vedeți tot - Lambriu Oferte

Lambriu Plop in Prague

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Tip Lambriu
Materialul principal Lemn masiv
Tipuri de lemn masiv Foioase din America de Nord
Specii Plop (Aspen)
Originea speciilor Cehia
Regiunea Prague


Volum 1 - 5000 m2 (sqm) pe lună Converteşte
Grosime 28 mm  Converteşte
Lățime 90 mm Converteşte
Lungime 2100-3000 mm Converteşte
Calitatea A
Certificare FSC
Benefits of Aspen Benchboard
- Light-coloured knotless wood with a very "clean" pattern, thanks to its light shade, gives the sauna an impression of spaciousness.
- Among light non-knotty materials, in our opinion, aspen is the most luxurious woody species.
- Aspen undergoes less yellowing over time than other bright materials.
- Aspen is a softer wood, which has less thermal conductivity and is therefore also suitable for touchy parts of the interior, such as benches and armrests.
- Suitable for all types of saunas.
Aspen wood is the ideal material for a sauna. It does not exude resin, does not form wood splinters and does not overheat. Its characteristic light colour tone and smooth texture give it a beautiful appearance. It is available in planed planks and bench profiles.

We can offer sauna materials from hardwood and softwood: infrared and traditional saunas, and thermo-treated wall panelling. AU-MEX has extensive experience in the production of custom-made saunas. We also offer sauna components such as doors, platform modules, benches and glued wood products.

AU-MEX is mainly focused on the export market, but we also sell our products via resellers in the Czech Republic. Our contractual customers abroad are professional resellers and store chains. AU-MEX has experience in exporting its products to more than 20 countries. Most of them are located in Europe, but one part of our sales market has also expanded to the near East.

The modern production technology uses the world’s leading producers, Weining, two automated production lines, fisher/Paul and system Tm, high-technology thermal treatment devices WTT and CnC wood processing devices. In early 2012 Det Norske Veritas (DnV) issued the company ISO 9001: 2008 quality management certification. We also possess the international fsC© and PEfC Chain of Custody certifications.

AU-MEX is a supplier who is interested in long-term partnerships. Our purpose is to offer our customers high-quality products, reliable customer relationships, constant innovation, and solutions that correspond to their needs.

Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul 3,92 EUR pe m Converteşte
Incoterm FAS - franco de-a lungul navei Țara Cehia Regiunea Prague
Data limită livrare Disponibil la comandă în mai puţin de 30 de zile
Oferta vizibilă în: Toată lumea


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