Vedeți tot - Cherestea Tivită Cereri

Stejar cherestea tivită 55 mm * 55 mm * 900-1400-2500-3000 mm verde 24 m3 / luna

  • Cerere
  • Data
  • Valabil pana:


Tip Cherestea tivită
Tipul speciei Foioase europene
Specii Stejar


Volum 24 m3 pe lună Converteşte
Grosime 55 mm  Converteşte
Lățime 55 mm Converteşte
Lungime 900-1400; 1500-1900; 2000-2400; 2500-3000 mm Converteşte
Standard folosit Standarde de clasificare franceze
Calitatea AВ/BC
Uscarea Verde
We are looking for manufacturers of Oak Strips, Fresh cut, Quality AВ/BC
Packed ready for Kiln Drying
AB - A side (up to half of the thickness) should be clean, without any defects, without sapwood and knots. On the B side are allowed sound knots up to 20mm, black knots up to 5mm, sapwood up to half of the width and half of the thickness.
BC - B side (up to the half of the thickness) - sound knots up to 20mm, black knots up to 5mm, no sapwood. C side - sound knots up to 30mm, black knots up to 15mm, sapwood without limits.
CD - C side (up to the half of the thickness) - sound knots up to 20mm, black knots up to 5mm, sapwood up to the half of the width.
D side - sound knots up to 40mm, black knots up to 20mm, heartwood, sapwood without limits."
All edges must be 90 degrees.
Not allowed - surface cracks, internal cracks, end splits, rot, wormholes, wanes, yellow, blue, black stains and any other not mentioned defects.


Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul Cereți oferta de preț
Incoterm FCA - franco transportator
Data limită livrare Disponibil la comandă în mai puţin de 30 de zile
Cererea vizibilă în: Europa


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