Produs |
Paneluri din lemn masiv | Panou din lemn masiv - 1 strat |
Tipuri de lemn masiv | Foioase europene |
Specii | Stejar |
Specificaţii |
Volum | 413 bucăți pe lună Converteşte |
Îmbinare | Lipita (Sipca discontinua) |
Grosime | 20 mm Converteşte |
Lățime | 650 mm Converteşte |
Lungime | 1000 mm Converteşte |
Calitatea | AB |
Descriere |
Glued panel - this is a blend of billets (lamellas). If the lamellas are glued by width - then it is an edge glued panel.
Edge glued panel - it is a selection of high quality materials. This kind of material creates an effect of a wide smooth wooden panel. The best, non-damaged, long workpieces are used in production. Finding this kind of wood is quite complicated and it is also more expensive than finger-joint wood. Also, the longer the workpiece, the higher the price per square meter. Glued edge sheets are used for steps, tables, decorative elements. |
Preţ şi condiţii |
Prețul | Cereți oferta de preț |
Oferta vizibilă în: | Toată lumea |
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