Produs |
Tipul | Panouri aglomerate |
Specificaţii |
Volum | 500 - 15000 m3 pe lună Converteşte |
Grosime | 18; 22; 25; 38 mm Converteşte |
Lățime | 300 - 1200 mm Converteşte |
Lungime | 1200 - 3000 mm Converteşte |
Standard de calitate-norme-tip-cerinte de indeplinit | Certified FSC / CE / UKCA |
Descriere |
We are selling from Lithuania Mill engineered timber building materials and components. we offer engineered timber building materials that make the best use of wood biomass.
We offer .. -we -LIGNUM BOARD particle boards for the construction -LIGNUM LVL (Laminated veneer lumber) beams and boards -LIGNUM JOIST (I-joist) beams -LIGNUM CONSTRUCTION produces these engineered timber construction materials -LIGNUM SYSTEM designs engineered timber building structures (solutions, statics, detailing, workshop drawings many more goof features Contact for more information kind Regards, Ashwani Bansal |
Preţ şi condiţii |
Prețul | La cerere EUR pe m3 Converteşte |
Oferta vizibilă în: | Toată lumea |
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