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Vindem Peleti Pin Roșu DINplus Polonia

  • Oferta
  • Data
  • Valabil pana:


Categorie Peleţi - Brichete - Cărbune
Tip Peleti
Originea Polonia


Volum 24 - 1000 Tonă Spot - o dată Converteşte
Tipul speciei Rășinoase europene
Specii Pin roșu
Calitatea -
Ambalajul saci de 15 kg
Umiditate Uscat
Diametrul 6-8 mm Converteşte
Conținut de cenușă 0.6 %
Certificare DINplus
Finding good pellets today has become tiring. Then when you think you finally find the company that satisfies you with quality, delays begin with deliveries.
With Power FLame you can sleep well because we guarantee stability. You gain certified quality and quick delivery times (3-4 days).

Pellet burns well, does not dirty the stove and has excellent calorific value. With this we already guarantee you that you will not have any complaints from the customer or that the stove stops or that it must continue to clean it.
We give you product with its natural wood color, there are no chemicals, bleaches or other additives. The customer does not smell any solvents when burning pellets and does not find the crusts in the boiler.

We simply offer you collaboration without customer complaints.

You will not run out of pellets and you will know that the load arrives on the appointed day. I would be informed in real time of the process of your order. So you can easily plan your sales. Delivery times with us are punctual and short - within 3-4 days.

Trust builds over time but the transparency of the relationship is the basis for starting it.

If you have a good supplier, sleep well. Stop worrying by wasting time looking continuously and start earning more immediately by taking care of your business. Having a trusted supplier you no longer lose the customer because the load is late.

Contact us either by phone or by writing an email and we give you all the information you need.

Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul La cerere EUR pe Tonă Converteşte
Incoterm FCA - franco transportator Țara Polonia
Data limită livrare Disponibil la comandă în mai puţin de 30 de zile
Oferta vizibilă în: Europa


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