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Componente Pentru Mobila Bamboo in Jiujiang City

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Tip Componente pentru mobila
Materialul principal Lemn masiv
Tipuri de lemn masiv Foioase din Asia
Specii Bamboo
Originea speciilor China
Regiunea Jiujiang City
Scurta descriere - utilizare finala -


Volum 100 - 10000000 m2 (sqm) Spot - o dată Converteşte
Dimensiuni <1200mm Width, <4100 mm Length, <2500mm Thickness
Some Knowledge of Bamboo Furniture Board

Bamboo furniture board is a scientific superposition of bamboo sheets, which is assembled with environmental friendly glue under high temperature and pressure. It has excellent physical and mechanical properties, small water absorption expansion coefficient, non-cracking and non-deformation, insect-proof, mildew-proof and non-degumming. Its physical properties are 2-3 times as much as those of common hard miscellaneous wood.Its hardness can reach 32HB (beech 24HB), density can reach 0.79g-1.15g (beech 0.63g) per cm 3, compressive strength can reach 1271 kg/cm 2 (beech < 600 kg). Bamboo boards with different specifications are widely used in building materials, transportation equipment, sports facilities, furniture industry, durable, beautiful and generous.

Length: <4100mm Width: <1220mm Thickness: <2500mm
Color: carbonization, natural color
Structure: Horizontal,Vertical,Strand woven

Bamboo furniture panels have been continuously improved in recent years, and the technology is becoming more and more mature. Bamboo boards have the advantages of large strength, stable size, insect-free, non-cracking, zero formaldehyde and non-ignition. Make it a high-quality material for bamboo furniture production.

1. Natural environmental protection, natural materials: bamboo can regulate indoor humidity, absorb ultraviolet rays, antistatic, zero formaldehyde emission is beneficial to human health. Especially after deep carbonization, the bamboo furniture processed will not change color for a long time, which can enhance the role of adsorbing harmful indoor gases.
2. High-temperature cooking, three-prevention treatment: through high-temperature cooking thoroughly sterilize, different from traditional bamboo furniture technology, fundamentally prevent moths, hair enzymes. The strict control of high pressure and moisture content, the crisscross arrangement of bamboo sheets and other scientific techniques ensure that bamboo furniture surpasses solid wood in preventing cracking and deformation. It's called a new generation of green products!

Preţ şi condiţii

Prețul Cereți oferta de preț
Incoterm FOB - liber la bord Țara China Regiunea Shanghai
Data limită livrare Disponibil la comandă în mai puţin de 30 de zile
Oferta vizibilă în: Toată lumea



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