Produs |
Tipul de categorie | Uscare, abur si impregnarea lemnului masiv |
Categorie | Uscatoare Cu Vacuum |
Brand | woodbau |
Specificaţii |
Starea articolului | Nou |
Data fabricației | 2024 |
Volum | 1 Converteşte |
Descriere |
Woodbau is a leading manufacturer of European-quality wood products, as well as heat treatment of lumber and finished products on its own equipment
Sells a heat chamber for heat treatment (modification) of wood with a total volume of 12 m3 per cycle. Thermal modification of wood occurs at high temperatures (150-230° C) and in the absence of air, without any chemical additives, preserving its natural environmental friendliness and beauty. Electricity costs average 130 kW/m3. Recommended wood moisture before thermal modification is 8 - 12%. The term of thermal modification of wood is 72 - 144 hours (depending on the thickness and type of wood). |
Preţ şi condiţii |
Prețul | La cerere EUR Converteşte |
Oferta vizibilă în: | Toată lumea |
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